Archive | February 2013

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Weekend Assignment: Photo Finish

Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, let your imagination roam and write 1k about this photo.

Writing Markets February 2013

Flash Fiction Online,, Emmy Magazine, Woman’s Day, Adams Media, & Youth Imagination.

Is Technology Killing Your Grammar?

Text messages, Facebook statuses, Tweets — if you write any of these, you probably resort to techspeak as shorthand to save both time and space. Is digital shorthand jeopardizing your assignments?

Weekend Assignment: The Power of a Pronoun

We all recognize the value of imperative language and second person point-of-view in the cut and dried world of written instructions, but what about its value in creative writing? Explore the power of one simple pronoun in this week’s assignment.

Writing an About Page: The Who’s Who of You

The About Page is a critical part of your writer’s toolkit. Here are tips and tidbits for making yours the best it can be.

Weekend Assignment: Clippity, Bobbity, Boo

If writing to make money is your goal, and you don’t have a fistful of clips to show prospective clients, this weekend’s assignment will help you generate some.

Writing Sparks: February 2013

Pencils sharpened? Keyboard at the ready? This month’s fiction and nonfiction writing prompts await!