Archive | May 2014

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Light Reading: Writing Mother’s Day Cards for Hallmark

Light Reading: Writing Mother’s Day Cards for Hallmark

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day, here’s an article about writing this very specific type of greeting card for Hallmark.

5/9/14: Ordinary Guru Writing Contest

5/9/14: Ordinary Guru Writing Contest

No purchase or entry fee required for this contest that is open to fiction, memoir, essay, photo essay, and graphic stories.

5/7/14: Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

5/7/14: Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

May 15th is the submission deadline for this contest that offers a $1,500 prize.

5/1/14: Flavorwire’s Short Fiction Contest Open for Subs

$500 prize + publication offered by Flavorwire for short fiction.

Writing Sparks: May 2014

Writing Sparks: May 2014

Haunted islands, prom, and the Berlin Wall? What will you write about this month?